June 15, 2024

12 jun 1961 año - First District Scheme for Auckland City Council - starts


The first District Scheme for Auckland City Council was proposed in 1958 and became operative on 12 June 1961. It was prepared and maintained by Auckland City Council in compliance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1953 and its amendments
The general purpose of the District Scheme was the development of the area to promote and safeguard the health, safety and convenience, and the economic and general welfare of its inhabitants, and the amenities of the area. District Schemes were to be approved by the Town and Country Planning Board and reviewed every five years.
The District Scheme comprises a scheme statement (a description of the purposes of the scheme), code of ordinances for its administration and implementation, and a map or maps illustrating the proposals for the development of the area, including zoning. Zoning governed the types of activities that could be carried out in each zone: residential, rural, commercial, industrial, and land covered by designations for specific public purposes, e.g., reserves, open spaces, education, etc. Predominant and conditional uses for each zone were defined and set out in the code of ordinances. Applications for land use could be notified or non-notified, depending on the rules
Preparation of the District Scheme was a lengthy process. Public notification of the council’s proposed District Scheme invited submissions, objections and cross-objections. Hearings were held by council with a final right of appeal to the Town and Country Planning Appeal Board. The final approved District Scheme incorporated all decisions by council not appealed and the result of the appeal process. It was signed and sealed at a council meeting, usually by the mayor and town clerk, and soon after became operative. The maintenance of the District Scheme included amendments, changes and variations (changes by council) made after it became operative. When the five-yearly review of the District Scheme took place the reviewed version went through the same stages as the original scheme and on becoming operative, superseded the previous District Scheme


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12 jun 1961 año
Ahora mismo
~ 63 years ago