June 15, 2024

7 h 4 mar 2005 año - They arrive at the Hilltop, Maggie and Sophia stay. (Issue 101)


- Day 594
- Eduardo throws a spear which kills an approaching empty. He celebrates but Kal tells him that Sutton isn't making spearheads anymore so now he's got to go down and retrieve it. Rick's group hastily arrive at the gates and are let in. Jesus is surprised to see them again so soon but knows something is wrong by the ghostly look on Rick's face. Rick shows him Glenn's body in the back of the van and Jesus immediately knows it to be Negan's doing.
- They visit Gregory who asks what happened. When Rick explains everything, Gregory is shocked to hear that Negan personally came after them and demands to know if they revealed any of the deal Alexandria has with the Hilltop. Rick punches him in the face and tells him Negan doesn't know shit but how come they didn't know that they were going up against potentially hundreds of Saviors. Gregory swears he didn't even know Negan was a real guy.
- Rick doesn't believe him and tells Maggie that they're going to have to go now. Maggie tells him Glenn was right about the Hilltop and they're preparing a burial ceremony now. Rick says he'll do everything he can to make sure Negan doesn't get away with it.
- Heath is surprised they're not getting weapons, supplies or soldiers but that's not what they need right now. Jesus comes with Rick to help out and learn more about the Saviors. Carl and Sophia say goodbye.
- They drive as fast as the van will go.

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7 h 4 mar 2005 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
