June 15, 2024

8 h 26 feb 2005 año - Rick kisses Andrea and makes a deal to kill the Saviors. (Issue 96)


- Day 588
- Glenn asks Rick what happened to his eye. He says he couldn't sleep and explains what happened last night. Glenn talks about how remarkable the place is. There's more jobs to go around, more land and even though the community is larger, everyone knows everyone here. Andrea comments on how happy the two of them are. Rick hugs her and kisses her cheek.
- Kal calls Rick inside to speak to Gregory. Gregory who is recovering in bed comments on how painful being stabbed is and asks Rick if he's gone through anything similar. Rick tells him he's been shot twice (see Pre-Outbreak and day 330) and lost his hand (see day 265) which Gregory didn't notice.
- Gregory asks about Rick's group killing the Saviors. Rick comments on how they have nothing to spare right now so trading wouldn't work for now and he's not big on the idea that any supplies they give would be going to a group of crazies in the long run. Rick says he'll consider the deal as long as they get some supplies for their people in Alexandria.

Añadido al timeline:


8 h 26 feb 2005 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
