June 15, 2024

10 h 50 m, 7 nov 2004 año - Carl goes home, Rick tells him to enjoy being a kid again. (Issue 90)


- Day 477
- After Rick dismisses the crowd, he catches up with Denise who tells him that Carl hasn't woken last she checked but can't have slept through this.
- Carl asks what happened as he heard a lot of yelling. Rick tells him he had to sort some trouble but it's over now. When Carl asks if Rick had to kill anyone, Rick and Denise are taken back for a second but Rick confirms that he didn't and asks Carl if he'd like to go home after Dr. Cloyd said he could.
- On the way home Carl asks Rick if he would be sad were Carl to die. Rick tells him that he'd be devastated and that has nothing to do with how strong he is. He asks Carl to do him a favour and start being a kid again, being scared and allowing himself to grieve for his mother. To leave being strong up to his father rather than himself. Carl doesn't seem to follow so Rick drops the conversation and embraces his son.
- Nicholas shows up and Rick sends Carl inside. Nicholas thanks Rick for sparing his life and tells him that his entire coop was fuelled by ego. He was lucky to get a job digging ditches before the turn and now that the plague has presented new opportunities for people, he felt Rick was taking that from him with their walker ditch project. He reassures Rick that he's not crazy or dangerous, just hot headed and he's with him now.
- Andrea passes and asks what that was about. Rick asks if all of this happened in one day.

Añadido al timeline:


10 h 50 m, 7 nov 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
