June 15, 2024

23 h 1 nov 2004 año - Alexandria attend to their assigned tasks, Jessie and Rick have sex. (Issue 80) (Issue 81)


- Day 471
- Morgan visits Michonne and asks if she could keep him company. She invites him in and then sarcastically asks her mounted sword if it's not too comfortable up there.
- Gabriel prays on the altar.
- The herd gets restless outside.
- Maggie and Glenn watch Sophia sleep.
- Abraham and Tobin continue their perimeter checks.
- Douglas watches the herd.
- Andrea sits in the bell tower.
- Eugene reads a book.
- Jessie comes into Rick's room and asks if she could sleep next to him. He hesitates for a second and he quickly climbs into his bed and kisses him on the lips. Rick has second thoughts but then kisses her back and they make love.
- Glenn's patrol doesn't start for another hour, but he just can't sleep. He tells Maggie that he's worried for Andrea who will be stuck in the tower for however long with no food or water. Maggie tells him that they'll figure out a plan in the morning.

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23 h 1 nov 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
