June 15, 2024

17 abr 2015 año - Questionable Company


Eaton (Guard) notifies Anthony that Matteo is directly taking charge of a deal that allows someone to use the Company's private loading docks. However, this buyer is not on the approved company list for usage. Even stranger, Dante Delfinco himself put Matteo in charge of the deal.

Anthony and Edmund (Butler) look into it and discover that the unknown party is that of Morganna La Fey. The International Crime Lord. In addition to allowing her to use the ports for a very high price, they also discover that she is interested in attaining a project that one of the companies subsidiaries is working on. Dante said no but Anthony has other plans.

Upon learning that his brother and father may knowingly or unknowingly be in business with a known and dangerous criminal, he sees this as his opportunity to shake the family order.

Añadido al timeline:

20 ene 2020


17 abr 2015 año
Ahora mismo
~ 9 years ago