June 15, 2024

1 ene 1951 año - Flood of 1951


The flood of 1951 was even worse than previous floods, resulting in the loss of 17 lives and displacement of 518,000 people in Kansas. The levee could not withstand the crest which destroyed the Kansas City, Kansas stockyards and forced the building of an airport away from the Missouri River.

During the summer of 1951, Midwestern states including Kansas & Missouri experienced torrential downpours and record-breaking floods that forever changed Kansas City’s urban landscape and the people living there. This resulted in a mass migration of Latinos living in Armourdale to relocate.
Families living in Argentine experienced desegregation of schools because of this flood, 2 years prior to the landmark legislation, Brown v. Board of Education passed in 1953.

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1 ene 1951 año
Ahora mismo
~ 73 years ago