June 15, 2024

1 ene 1918 año - Influenza Pandemic (Spanish Flu)


In 1918, an influenza flu epidemic raged throughout the U.S., which hit neighborhoods like Strawberry Hill (where large families were living in small quarters) very hard. St. John’s parish recorded seventy-one deaths that year. In the wake of the epidemic, many children were left without one or both parents. Msgr. Krmpotic, pastor of St. John’s called a meeting of parishioners, and they agreed that a home should be established to provide upbringing for these new orphans. A large house north of the rectory (the Cruise-Scroggs home_ was purchased, and Msgr. Krmpotic was able to obtain the services of the Franciscan Sisters to supervise the orphanage. Source: Strawberry Hill: A Neighborhood Study, Susan Greenbaum 1978

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1 ene 1918 año
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~ 106 years ago