June 15, 2024

12 h 29 oct 2004 año - Rick confronts Jessie Anderson about Pete's abuse. (Issue 75)


- Day 468
- Rick tells Michonne about how he doesn't trust Pete. She tells him that if he thinks something is going on then there's no harm in looking into it. He says he'll poke around a bit.
- Rick visits Jesse who is hanging up washing. He tells her that she can trust him and that if she is in any trouble she can talk to him about it. After a bit of convincing, Jessie reluctantly tells him that Pete has become violent and only hits her sometimes but never Ron.
- Just before Rick can say anything more, Pete arrives back home after picking Ron up from school. He cautiously asks why Rick is in the house to which Jessie tells him that they were figuring out a play date for Carl and Ron. They agree on tomorrow at 16:00 PM and Rick leaves.
- Glenn and Heath manage to gather six out of the ten things on Denise's list from the pharmacy. Heath shoots a walker saving Glenn and the two get out of there before they're trapped.

Añadido al timeline:


12 h 29 oct 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
