June 15, 2024

7 dic 2015 año - Social Housing - increase Auckland


The Government announced that the Ministry of Social Development had entered into agreement with five Community Housing Providers to deliver an additional 508 social housing places in Auckland over the next three years. This followed an encouraging response to a Request for Proposal seeking proposals for an extra 300 Income-related Rent Subsidy social housing tenancies in Auckland.
Contracts were signed with the Salvation Army to provide 87 places, Accessible Properties to provide 358 places and the Chinese New Settler Trust to provide 36 places. Providers were expected to sign contracts for the remaining places over the following weeks. The focus was on delivering more places in the high demand areas of West and South Auckland, with the first places expected to be available in early 2016. The new tenancies would come from a mix of new builds and leased properties – provided or sourced by the Community Housing Providers. The Government provided $10 million in up-front funding to support costs related to bringing the new supply on stream.
Under changes introduced in 2015, the Ministry of Social Development was able to negotiate contracts for the Income-related Rent Subsidy for up to 25 years, giving Community Housing Providers a Government-backed guaranteed income stream.
The Government had announced it was increasing funding for social housing subsidies to 65,000 places by 2017/2018. As part of its role as the purchaser of Income-related Rent Subsidy tenancies, the Ministry of Social Development published current and future purchasing intentions for each region.

Source: https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/about-msd/history/social-assistance-chronology-programme-history.html

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7 dic 2015 año
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~ 8 years and 6 months ago