July 1, 2024

1 ene 1474 año - 1474* │ DE PERPIÑAN Jayme Pons │ "LOST" (MS)


JAYME (Jaume or Jacobus) PONS (or PONA) de Majorca

Mentioined by:
- PACHECO - 1600 - Nueva Ciencia

- ARIAS DE PORRES Gomez - 1667 - Resumen de la Verdadera Destreza

- PALLAVICINI Giuseppe Morsicato - 1670 - La scherma illustrata composta da Giuseppe Morsicato Pallavicini

- MARCELLI Francesco Antonio - 1686 - Regole della Scherma insegnate da Lelio, e Titta Marcelli scritte da Francesco Antonio Marcelli

*Not Verifiable
He is believed to have written a treatise on grappling and fencing with various weapons, including the side sword, both alone and with secondary weapons (buckler, cloak, dagger, shield, and double side swords), the dagger, and the Montante.

This treatise is described as being "published", though given the date it seems likely that it was a manuscript rather than a printed book.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1474 año
Ahora mismo
~ 550 years ago