July 1, 2024

1 ene 1570 año - 1570 [2] │ DI GRASSI Giacomo │ Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'arme


Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l’arme si da offesa, come da difesa, con un trattato dell’inganno, et con un modo di essercitarsi da se stesso, per acquistare forza, giudicio et prestezza

Translation: Reason to use the weapon securely both in attack, and in defence, With a Treatise on deceit, and with a way of exercising on your own, to gain strength, judgement and readiness

1594 - EN
His true arte of defence, plainlie teaching by infallable demonstrations, apt figures, and perfect rules the manner and forme how a man, without other teacher or master may safelie handle all sortes of weapons as well offensive as defensive

Pardoel 2005, 1146/1147.01
Vigeant 1882, 66
Gelli 1895, 118
Thimm 1896, 121
(lists Giorgio de’ Cavalli as the printer)
Cat. BNF 1897 (vol. LXII), 872
Donnell 1926, 408
NUC 1968 (vol. 210), 578
BLGC 1979 (vol. 131), 11
Nagy 1987, 10; CONI 1995, 59 (27)
K.U. Leuven 1998, 95 (27)

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1 ene 1570 año
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~ 454 years ago