June 15, 2024

0 h 8 m, 9 jun 2017 año - Can I cut in?...


The Lord said, "I have called you here because I need you and I need you here. Tony needs you.
This is why he is fighting - he is battling against the evil one's desires for him, and the true desire of his heart which is also my true desire for you both.

When he turns from you, he turns from me too, his one true love. When he leaves me, he leaves you.

When he turns from my heart, he turns from you. He resents his desire for you because he has created a story and wants it to be true.
He is placing his manhood and his worth is his ability to make 'good choices' or 'good decisions'.

In his heart - he believes what he has chosen was both my will and also 'good' for all. As you know, this is not true. He is beginning to know the truth as the lies are being revealed to him.

It's not that you're not enough - the problem is that you are - just as you are, and that makes the evil one angry with you.

The evil one hates that you are more desirable than he is - so he is going to great lengths to make himself appear more lovely, more desirable than you.

That is why you are so angry - the evil one is lying to his heart, and telling him there are 'easier' ways to be loved... that wouldn't require repentance or dealing with his inner demons.
This is the lie of the enemy... don't let the lies of the enemy to the man you love distract you from what is true - he attacks those you love because he knows that is the only way to really get to you.

That when he takes the desires of your man and makes him more drawn to other things - he is winning... and he loves watching you become enraged - thinking it's your fault - and this is how he steals your beauty.

He prays on the spiritually weak and ignorant - and he is feasting on Tony's heart and his spirit with distraction - giving him false sense of security - all the while the evil one is delighting in how easily he is able to hurt your feelings and make you doubt. Tony's weakness is not an indication of your worth - this proves his need for you all the more.

A strong woman - a woman who can see the lure of the evil one... and his attempts to destroy what God has done.

Don't let him bother you - but trust me to deal with them both.

I am greater than he - and Tony will learn what he needs to in order to fight back.

The love in Tony's heart for you and for me is greater than the selfish desires the evil one tempts him towards.

You ARE enough - the evil one wants to make you think his wandering is because something is wrong with you... it's the opposite.

You are SO BRIGHT. Think of those who accuse you - they all hide themselves and run from me.
You are the focus of accusation because you are strong, because you are loving, because you give yourself freely, because you take risks... You are ENOUGH.

Keep offering yourself - never stop giving your heart to others. If they reject you, they reject ME."

The Lord then asked to dance - and as he hummed a song he said,

"Do not worry. When he is kind to you it's because he has chosen me.

He will return, because he will not find me anywhere else. I lead the dance."...

"You started to worry about yourself and that is when you lost your way - you were the most free, the most beautiful - when your heart was focused on others... not questioning yourself... but focusing on other people. Trusting yourself to your Lord. You are a good woman - and you have given your all and that is more than enough. I brought you here because I planned on fighting for you - it was always my desire to do this for you. Watch me."

Añadido al timeline:

29 oct 2019


0 h 8 m, 9 jun 2017 año
Ahora mismo
~ 7 years ago