July 1, 2024

12 nov 2018 año - Cameroon: Towards a diplomatic crisis between Yaounde and Hanoi


Sources encountered by the African digital information agency are clear: "the president of the board of the company Viettel, Baba Ahmadou Danpullo multiply acts of interference to drive the Vietnamese employees of the company in which these have yet invested 70 ° / ° of shares, even as Danpullo only had 30% share in exchange for local facilitation. "

According to a finding of Master Joseph Fonyuy Njoya, bailiff and auctioneer in Bamenda deed executed on November 1, 2018 and that the digital agency of African information managed to obtain a copy, it appears that "the Vietnamese employees Mr. Le Kha Trung, Regional Director and Mr Khanh, deputy technical director nexttel Cameroon in the Northwest region in Bamenda, were verbally assigned to Douala on verbal instruction of the Chairman of the Board of Viettel Cameroon ".

The same source told the African digital agency information ( www.lescoopsdafrique.com ) that "both Vietnamese employees were required to release their offices and go to the Directorate General in Douala; after a phone call from Mr. DANPULLO, calling and verbal instructions transmitted by the Deputy Regional Director of the branch, Mr. Boubawa ".

The Deputy Regional Director of Viettel Cameroon in the Northwest, Mr. Boubawa, and Chief Legal Officer, Mr. Amadou bietu confirmed unequivocally to a judicial source, "Mr Le Kha Trung and his compatriot Mr Khanh n ' have no choice but to leave because they could be in danger if they insist to continue working in the office ".The Deputy Regional Director of Viettel in the Northwest, Mr. Boubawa, has also said he had received the day before, a phone call from his "hierarchy" asking him to leave Mr. Le Kha Trung Khanh and Mr. without any formality ".He finally said," the instructions being firm and from very high level, should ensure that they are respected in the way they were received. "

The two Vietnamese employees have no choice but to comply for fear of what might happen to them if they failed. Key offices were then officially handed to Mrs Awa Diallo, head of administration of Nexttel .

A North Agency

On the morning of 31/10/2018, local employees such as deputy director of the agency, internal controller, two drivers and two guards, decided to refer the two Vietnamese employees to senior management in Douala (with air tickets available) .They recognized that they had followed the orders of the president Baba and they also stressed that the government no longer wished to see the presence of Vietnamese in the North.

Although they have not been able to meet the obligation to explain or show any written evidence of the president, they were, by all means, determined to follow his instructions.

To avoid any conflict of regret, the board of directors of Nexttel assigned two Vietnamese employees to return to Douala, Cameroon's commercial center.

At the branch Northwest: like the situation in the North, in the North West, local employees also asked Vietnamese employees to return to Douala in accordance with the order of président.Cependant the situation was not as tense as in the North. Now these two Vietnamese employees remain at the branch while waiting for new instructions from the board of Nexttel .

In the other branches: According to information from an internal control manager of the northern branch, "Mr. Baba Danpullo ordered employees to 10 provincial agencies to force all Vietnamese to return to Douala."

"Not content to engage a thousand irregular legal proceedings to prevent the normal functioning of the company, Mr. DANPULLO multiply acts of interference in the management of the company, even though the law, the statutes and the shareholders' specifically framed the role of each of the organs and reserve these prerogatives only CEO "; indicated an internal source, close to the branch.

The company's management actions undertaken by Baba

While the articles of association are the CEO, the only legal representative of the company and the CEO a simple assistant to perform only the instructions of DG, through a simple gracious decision, Mr. DANPULLO society BESTCAM s' is assured, thanks to the injunctions of the former President of First Instance court in Yaounde Ekounou dated September 15, 2014 and currently maligned subject of an action for annulment, no document of the company, the single employment contract with bank checks and wire transfers, via purchase orders, could be issued in the name of the company without the co-signature of his henchman at the branch, and its representatives in regional services, without co-signing of his men.

According to another source, "The motions judge, as to hide his abuse, and indicated that the action taken was provisional pending an urgent meeting of shareholders to resolve the conflict he had believed and having to adjust."

On 12 November 2014, the co-shareholders had sat and unanimously reiterated the unique signature scheme, considering that the two signatures only for the day when certain conditions are met; which are still not met. Unfortunately, four (4) years later BESTCAM abusively maintains the regime of double signature and made more elsewhere.

Moreover, in violation of the law, articles of association and shareholders' agreement, as regards the role of Chairman of the Board company, BESTCAM / Mr. DANPULLO also won with the tax administration as its sole interlocutor on behalf of the Company Viettel Cameroon, even though the CEO and CFO are the only legally entitled to do so. But every time that they are approaching the Tax Administration to a question about the company, they are diverted to BESTCAM / Mr. DANPULLO which imposes substantial fee for his services and imposed on society.

To believe our sources: "He has got the company, through its BESTCAM society, transfer the sum of FCFA twenty-five billion nine hundred and five million six hundred and fifty (25,905,650,000), on behalf of society, various procedures with the tax and customs administrations and the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ART).

To date, he has made a record very part of our audit for the sum of FCFA four billion three hundred million (4,300,000,000), a difference of FCFA twenty-one billion six hundred and five million six hundred and fifty thousand (21,605,650,000) that they would hold him in hands, the compet-rendering further requests the Director General or the Exhibitor having so far encountered his contemptuous silence, while blocked all access and contacts of the company Viettel Cameroon at the tax Administration and ART preventing checks. Stay tuned.

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16 sep 2019


12 nov 2018 año
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~ 5 years and 7 months ago
