April 1, 2024

4 jul 2008 año - Android Phones


Android Phones were very similar to the IPhone with games, as the Play Store allowed owners to buy or download games onto their Android Phone. However, there are some games that can only be found on a specific store, which makes playing with friends quite difficult if you cannot play the same games. However, some highly popular games like Clash of Clans and Candy crush are available on both platforms, increasing the possible audience and allowing people to play with friends who own different phones. Candy Crush is a good example of a game that you can interact with other players on because instead of linking you with others directly from the game, it does it from Facebook, and allows you to see your friend's score and what level they are currently at. This also allows you to support your friends by gifting them another turn.

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4 jul 2008 año
Ahora mismo
~ 15 years ago
