June 15, 2024

4 ene 3052 año aC - Tefnut - god of light and air, daughter of Atum-Ra


Tefnut is member of the nine Ennead deities in Hermopolis. She is the daughter of the primeval god Atum-Ra. She is the wife and sister of Shu, the god of light and air. She is the mother of Nut, the goddess of the sky and Geb, the god of the earth. She is the grandmother of Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Set. In another story, she was connected with the god Tefen who together with her perform duties is the halls of Ma’at in the Underworld. She is the goddess of moisture, dew, moist air and rain. She is also a lunar goddess connected with humidity. Likewise as a daughter of Ra, she is also a sun goddess associated with dryness. Her name, alternatively spelled as Tefnwt, Tefnuit, Tefnet, and Tefenet, literally means “She of Moisture” and has been associated with the English words moist and spit.

She is often depicted as a woman with the head of a lion or lioness. Less often, she can be seen as a woman or a lioness. However, regardless of what form, she wears the solar disc circled by two cobras and the Uraeus. She is also seen holding the scepter (signifying power) and the ankh (signifying the breath of life). Rarely, she takes the form of a cobra.

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4 ene 3052 año aC
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~ 5079 years ago
