June 15, 2024

19 h 19 oct 2004 año - Michonne causes a scene and leaves along with Glenn and Rick. (Issue 72)


- Day 458
- Michonne stands around with a group of women including Olivia and Barbara. They talk about how attractive Spencer is and Barbara cracks a joke about him being gay and leaving on runs with Aaron and Eric. Michonne stands around, not wanting to be there. The women ask her if she is single and try and match her up with Heath.
- Just then a drunken Glenn spills his drink all over himself, much to Maggie's embarrassment. Rick tells Maggie to take him home while he gets the kids. Douglas tells everyone to continue as they were.
- Rosita asks Abraham whats wrong and he tells her that after only a few days within the walls, he already doesn't want to go outside. They hold each other.
- Michonne begins to leave but is caught by Barbara before she can. Barbara asks her if there's anything she can cook for her, as she likes to cook things for all new arrivals. Michonne declines but thanks her for the thought. Barbara pushes saying that it's really no trouble and she was worried that she'd cook something Michonne wouldn't enjoy. Michonne then yells at her saying "THIS IS WHAT YOU WORRY ABOUT?!" before storming off back home.
- Rick gets Carl and Sophia and begins to leave the party. He tells Douglas that he's taking the kids home and checking in on Glenn. Douglas tells Rick that if Glenn is awake to let him know that nobody blames him for getting drunk, because they've all been there. They wish each other good night.
- Michonne finds Morgan outside his house, having left the party ages ago. He found it hard seeing so many people happy. Michonne tells him that she caused a scene before she left. Hearing the women ramble on the way they did made her feel so alone. She puts her head on his shoulder.
- Maggie welcomes in Rick and the kids. Rick visits Glenn who tells him to close the door behind him. Glenn tells him he's had a miraculous recovery and isn't drunk at all. Rick asks him what he found and Glenn tells him that their armoury is just a room. He could break a window but they would know someone's gotten in. Rick tells him they're not taking any chances in this place and they're going to get their guns back.

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19 h 19 oct 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
