July 1, 2024

10 jun 1438 año - Oipienta Wins the Battle of Pere Ojèpe


While the main Oipientian forces were reclaiming the Grotian villages and cities from the Mredonians south of the Nuomdeim Mountains, a decently sized force of Oipientian and Larif soldiers, led by King Wodov Laporot, invaded Mredon from its northern border and sieged the capital, Pere Ojèpe. The battle took around 14 days to finish and the majority of loses were on the Oipientian side. The King of Mredon fled the city with his council before it fell and they traveled to Patha, establishing a new capital for the Kingdom. However, while the royal family was retreating from Pere Ojèpe, the Oipientian soldiers captured the Mredonian King's onyl son and heir, Prince Ãdzis Mõrõngtarèk. This helped in the final surrender of Mredon.

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10 jun 1438 año
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~ 586 years ago