June 15, 2024

15 h 17 oct 2004 año - The group takes a tour around Alexandria. (Issue 71)


- Day 456
- Carl shoves over a boy named Mikey. Rick hurries over to see what's going on. Carl explains to his dad that Mikey wanted to see his gun and when he said no, Mikey pushed him so he pushed back. Rick tells Carl that he should never show anyone his gun but he shouldn't push people either. Carl goes to help Mikey up but Mikey gets up on his own and goes to find his dad.
- Douglas arrives and asks what the problem is. Rick tells him it's just "boys being boys". Douglas commends on how Rick has began to settle in well to which Rick exclaims that his newly shaven face is feeling cold. Douglas tells the group that he is going to show them to their new houses before telling them that their weapons will need to be handed over too, as they are not allowed within the walls.
- Mikey and his dad, Nicholas, approach the group. Nicholas begins to yell at Carl for shoving his son before Rick intervenes and explains the situation, causing the two to come to a middle ground. Nicholas is shocked that Carl carries a gun and Douglas explains that all their weapons are being taken now and they're about to be given a tour.
- Douglas shows the group a house which doubles as their armoury and tells the group to hand their weapons over to Olivia for storage. Michonne asks to keep her sword as it has sentimental value. Douglas protests until Olivia tells Douglas to let her keep it as to most people a hammer would be more deadly and Olivia herself owns several large kitchen knives. Douglas asks for the sword to be hung on the wall and retired.
- Heath visits Scott in the infirmary and tells him of the group of twelve that Aaron and Eric brought in. Doctor Denise Cloyd arrives to check on Scott.
- Outside the infirmary, Douglas explains that the community has three doctors, one being a surgeon. With the tour being finished, Douglas informs the group that the walls are being constantly expanded and several more buildings will be accessible in the coming weeks. He introduces the group to the last three vacant houses for the time being. He lets the group divide them among themselves. Rick decides that he, Carl, Andrea and Morgan will stay in a house; another will be Glenn, Maggie, Sophia and Michonne; and the last will be Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. Nobody objects. Shortly after, Rick apologises to Abraham for putting him in the same house as Eugene because he forgot that things are likely still tense between them. Abraham says its fine but they should all sleep in Rick's house for the night just in case the community are trying to split them up. Rick spreads the word.

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15 h 17 oct 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
