June 15, 2024

14 h 40 m, 17 oct 2004 año - Rick showers, meets Olivia and becomes a police officer. (Issue 70) (Issue 71)


- Day 456
- Rick finishes having a long shower and shaves his beard. He hears a knock on the door and opens it to find that Douglas has sent over his police uniform to see if it fits. The woman tells Rick that she can cut hair.
- A bit later, Rick is having his hair cut by the woman named Olivia. He asks about the community's history and Olivia tells him that a man named Davidson started setting up the fence and soon after Douglas arrived. She found the community a while later. She explains that the government set up an isolated solar power grid in case something like this happened, however it doesn't work like it should and they don't have enough power to run lights on all the time. Rick thinks its amazing, Olivia thinks he'll be complaining about a reading lamp not working in two weeks.
- Later Rick returns to the group with short hair, a clean shaven face and his new police uniform. Abraham and Maggie complement him on his looks. Rosita is being interviewed and Abraham now works on the construction crew. Michonne informs Rick that they're going to be given a tour in a few minutes and then they'll be assigned places to sleep for the night.
- Rick checks on Carl who is playing with the other kids and having more fun than he has had in months. Rick asks the boy with the black eye how he got it to which he explains that a ball hit him in the face yesterday and it was his own fault. An angry woman, Douglas' wife Regina, storms past Rick and into Douglas' house. She's furious about him having let strangers into their community as they could be dangerous. Douglas calmly explains that they need Rick's group because of their outside experience. Heath believes they're all fine, except Rick who he is suspicious of. Douglas assures him that Rick is fine to which Heath mutters something about him being another Davidson. Furious, Douglas grabs Heath by the collar and yells at him to never mention that name again, not after what he did and made them do... Douglas apologises to Heath for losing his temper and goes out to take the newcomers on a tour.

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14 h 40 m, 17 oct 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
