April 1, 2024

1 ene 1850 año - Compromise of 1850


Before the Compromise of 1850, several suggestions had been made on how to resolve this issue of slavery. Polk's Plan was simply to extend the 36° 30' line. Another plan, the Wilmot Proviso, simply said that all land obtained by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo would not have slavery (Texas would be the last slave state. Neither of these plans passed, and the issue was a major part of the Election of 1948.

Eventually, the Compromise of 1950 was passed. it stated that California would enter as a free state, other parts of the Mexican Cession would be decided by popular sovereignty (people would vote), the Fugitive Slave Act would be strengthened (People caught harboring runaway slaves were given a $1,000 fine & six months of jail time), and banned the slave trade in Washington D.C.

This act settled the issue of slavery for another 4 years, but also inspired the Northern States to pass Personal Liberty Laws, which prevented slaves from being held in prison and required jury ytrials for runaway slaves.

Añadido al timeline:

9 may 2019


1 ene 1850 año
Ahora mismo
~ 174 years ago