June 15, 2024

31 ene 1956 año - Ottawa Conference


A meeting of diplomats from Vesperia, Colombia, France and The United Kingdom met in Ottawa and discussed the matter of the situation in Hispaniola. Within only 10 years, the countries population fell 60 percent and many were still dying of starvation and death squads.

The economic and political environment had collapsed during and after the Hispaniolan Consolidation; it was agreed by the parties that the Hatian government needed to be overthrown to protect its people.

Additionally, it was decided that the nation needed to renounce self-governance and assign it for a term of years to a country that can be trusted to act in Hispaniola's long-term interests. This country decidedly being Vesperia.

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31 ene 1956 año
Ahora mismo
~ 68 years ago