June 15, 2024

6 h 3 sept 2004 año - Michonne asks Rick about Morgan, Andrea searches for Dale. (Issue 62) (Issue 63)


- Day 412
- Michonne gets up early and speaks to Rick. She asks him if Morgan is dangerous and then if he lost a wife in all this. She didn't think she would ever look at a man and fall in love after Tyreese died but she thinks she likes Morgan but doesn't even know anything about him.
- Andrea wakes up and frantically runs into the woods calling out for Dale who is now missing. Andrea doesn't know anything except that he is gone. Michonne gathers everyone to search the immediate area, Maggie and Glenn look after the kids, Carl is told to guard the camp so he actually stays.
- Andrea runs off screaming for Dale.
- Rick believes Dale went out for a late night piss and either got lost, hurt himself or, God forbid, got attacked. Another possibility is he just left. Abraham doesn't want to spend too much time looking but they owe it to Dale to look.

Añadido al timeline:


6 h 3 sept 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
