June 15, 2024

10 h 31 agos 2004 año - They run into a massive herd and try to make an escape. (Issue 59) (Issue 60)


- Day 409
- Rick offers to drive because he isn't tired.
- They run over a few roamers on their way up a hill and then they reach the top they become horrified at the sight of a massive herd of roamers which has formed. Rick doesn't know whether to stop or keep going but Abraham orders him to drive through as fast as he can before they block off the road. Carl and Morgan fasten their seat belts as the bodies begin to pile up under the truck and they crash into a wrecked car which sends Abraham and a duffel bag flying out the back.
- They quickly exit the truck through the broken windscreen and kill a few roamers. Carl clings to Rick as they push their way through to an opening and Morgan is left behind. He is almost bitten on the arm when Abraham saves his life by gunning down the surrounding roamers and joining the others. He hands Rick a duffel bag and throws Carl over his shoulder. The herd starts following them so they run for their lives.
- They'll lead the herd right back to the camp so they quickly think off something to do. Carl suggests they make the herd think they're staying in a nearby house so they run over there. Abraham kicks down the door and they barricade it with a cupboard. Morgan checks upstairs for anything battery operated that'll make noise and Carl checks the kitchen. Morgan finds a racetrack, a motion sensor doll and discovers that the father had poisoned his kids, scrambled their brains with a drill then shot his wife and himself. This disturbs him.
- Carl found a blender so they set up the items in the main room as the roamers reach the house. They quietly exit through the back door and make a run for the camp.

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10 h 31 agos 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
