June 15, 2024

17 h 40 m, 15 sept 2003 año - 'Philip Blake' saves the town and becomes the leader of Woodbury. (Just Another Day at the Office)


- Day 58
- Over the next five minutes the Woodbury militia of eleven men and two women keep the biters rounded up in the town square. At precisely five minutes in, Martinez climbs a fire escape ladder and wonders whether Philip and up and left, scamming them for their truck and the supplies inside when he hears a loud amplified voice in the distance.
- Philip stands on the SUV two hundred yards north of the fence screaming profanities, threats and taunts into a bullhorn. This grabs the attention of the herd and it starts to make its way out of Woodbury and towards Philip. The herd reaches the gas station when Philip jumps into the SUV through the window. He drives through the mass of biters slowly, briefly thinking about ending it all. He starts shooting out the back window and uploads the rest of his clip into the gas station's pumps.
- The first one explodes, followed by the second one which vaporises a load of biters and knocks over the SUV. Followed by the third one which sends a fireball of black smoke, body parts and destruction into the sky. Martinez is transfixed by the sight. Some residents finish off the few remaining biters and a group rush to get the fence back up.
- He notices the familiar man returning to the town with a limp. A group goes over to Philip to help and congratulate him. Martinez doesn't know what to say. Philip jokes and tells him this is "just another day at the office". Martinez is looking at the new leader of Woodbury.

(For the next part of Martínez, Brian, Bruce and Gabe's story see day 137).

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17 h 40 m, 15 sept 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
