June 15, 2024

15 mar 1976 año - Ebola Discovered in the Ebola River in the Republic of Congo


Ebola is a virus that only came into play in the last hundred years. Of six known strains, four infect humans but three are known to be dangerous to humans: Zaire ebolavirus (which was the cause of the 2014-16 outbreak in West Africa), Sudan ebolavirus (first discovered in Nzara) and Bundibugyo ebolavirus (first confirmed with fever in 2007 in the Bundibugyo District of Uganda). Ebola tends to have fevers, headaches, body aches and sore throats at first but then after the tenth day, the body starts to experience worse symptoms like vomiting blood and bleeding from orifices, heightened fever, brain damage, seizures, loss of consciousness and ultimately death. 68% of Zaire ebola (the primary type to infect humans) die of the virus. One of the most terrifying parts about it is that it is not most contagious at the beginning when one has no symptoms, but rather after death when there is an abundance of virus in the body and individuals who have close contact to the body can get the virus.

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15 mar 1976 año
Ahora mismo
~ 48 years ago