June 15, 2024

21 h 5 m, 11 mayo 2004 año - The Governor declares war on the prison group. (Issue 43 - Flashback)


- Day 297
- At 9:05 PM, Philip Blake walks into the field in silence. Everyone is unsettled by his missing arm. He apologises for his absence and announces that the arena fights will be up and running again soon; he tells them about the strangers who arrived at Woodbury a few weeks ago and goes on to mention how there was talk about merging their two camps and they took Martinez back with them to show him around. However some of them stayed behind and tortured him, mutilated him, and left him for dead.
- The Governor tells the audience that they killed doctor Stevens and further manipulates them. He feared for Martinez's life, and overnight something was left at Woodbury's main gate... He pulls out Martinez's severed head and shows it to the audience. Governor declares war on the prison group. Mothers turn their children away, men clench their fists, almost everyone cheers and demands retribution from the prison group. - The Governor asks anyone who has familiarity with the area to come and speak to him before dismissing the crowd.

Añadido al timeline:


21 h 5 m, 11 mayo 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
