June 15, 2024

5 h 12 abr 2004 año - Michonne finds the group in the helicopter. (Issue 33) (Issue 34)


- Day 268
- Michonne walks all night and arrives back at the helicopter by morning. She's about to move on when Rick emerges out the wreck and is delighted to see her. She asks where Stevens is but they tell her he didn't make it. Rick asks about the Governor and if she killed him. Michonne lies and pretends she doesn't know who or what he's talking about. Rick reminds her and she quickly tells him that she doesn't know, and then moves on.
- Rick tells Glenn to keep an eye on Michonne because she doesn't seem right. He asks Alice if she's going to be ok and she assures him that she will. Glenn asks Martinez about what he used to be and he begins to explain his time as a gym teacher during the turn and how his school was turned into a save-zone and he had to abandon the children and their parents to save himself.
- Nobody says anything until Michonne kills a roamer and reminds them where they are. More roamers arrive and the group are quickly surrounded. Martinez is almost bitten but rips off the biter's jaw just in time. Alice and Michonne finish off the remaining roamers.
- They run out of the forest and into the field where the car is stuck in the mud. Glenn jumps into the driver's seat whilst the others push it out of the mud and quickly jump in before the roamers reach them. They finally drive back to the prison.

Añadido al timeline:


5 h 12 abr 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
