June 15, 2024

5 h 11 mayo 2004 año - Lilly's team set out to find Martinez. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 297
- Lilly picks Gus, Gabe and Austin to come with her mostly because they each know Martinez pretty well and might know where he would go and what he would do. She also picks David Stern because of his intelligence to help with strategy. Bruce stays at Woodbury to help the Governor. Only Lilly, Gabe and Austin know about Martinez's plan; the other two believe that they're hunting down a traitor.
- Once they finish loading the truck, they each climb on board and Gus drives, Gabe sits in the shotgun seat, Lilly, Austin and David in the back with the supplies. The guards open the gate and they drive around Durand Street (where Martinez helped the strangers escape). They find footprints dried in the mud and follow them.

Añadido al timeline:


5 h 11 mayo 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
