April 1, 2024

1 ene 1357 año - Bartolus Commentators


Kommentatorerna. Försökte tolka lagen på ett praktiskt vis. För att kunna tillämpa den på bästa sätt i det verkliga livet.

Bartolus kom med lösningar på konflikter vid tillämpning av kejserlig lag och lokal lag. "Conflict of laws" angående domsrätt, lagvalsfrågor osv.

"He and his followers continued ti expound the texts in the form in which they were transmitted but their aim was no longer to explain the meaning of those texts as they stood. Rather they sought to find in them rules which would be appropriate for late medieval society but would still carry the authority of imperial law.
Bartolus realised that the law had to be accommodated to the facts."

"Nemo jurista nisi Bartolista"
Ingen kunde vara jurist om man inte var en "Bartolist"

Añadido al timeline:

23 nov 2018


1 ene 1357 año
Ahora mismo
~ 667 years ago