June 15, 2024

23 oct 2018 año - Rumors about T Group discussed/revealed at Boulder at Boulder Circling Community weekly meeting


At the weekly meeting of the BCC steering committee, an attendee revealed her interpretation/what she'd heard about the T Group situation without realizing she was talking about someone in the room. All parties knew the meeting was being recorded. Here is the relevant snippet of the recording.

AUDIO FILE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EwuLyp11by_vfmnmCHdxbeShmBWGqSYj/view

D: There was a recent issue with the T-Group. Does anyone know about this?

R: When someone puked everywhere?

D: There was a guy … ok, I got in a nutshell that there was a guy who was disciplined who was basically like, mentally, like, off. He wasn’t well. And he was both, um, like stalking one of the people in the T Group and then he was so disruptive to T Group that this whole conflict dialogue arose between T Group leadership and members of the community about did they have the right to stop this person basically from coming? And I know a person that hosted T Group and who was on the leadership team basically left T Group and stopped hosting because she felt ultimately that the leadership didn’t really take good care of her in terms of like, her offering. So T Group just lost, like, a space, and they lost a person who was very committed.

[convo continues about mediation and the lessons for BCC]

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23 oct 2018 año
Ahora mismo
~ 5 years and 7 months ago