June 15, 2024

4 nov 2018 año - Tzadik replies to rejection


Kristen, Lindsay, Mike & Tim,

I received Mike Kabjian's response Tuesday morning, stating, "Due to your threats of litigation, the T-Group leadership team has been advised not to communicate with you nor offer any further clarification on the decision to remove you from T-Group. We will not engage in any additional mediation process. Any legal action or further private or public messages by you on this matter will be considered harassment and dealt with accordingly by our attorneys."

First, and foremost, I want to say that I am completely shocked, surprised and confused by this response. This response goes against everything discussed between the T-Group Leadership and myself, via Ashlie Schares as intermediant mediator.

I have discussed your response with both my community of trusted advisors and Legal Counsel and have been advised to tell you that you have until Friday, November 9th to reconsider the Mediation Agreement proposal, and to reengage in the process outlined within it, as discussed in conversation with our intermediary, Ashlie Schares, or be advised that both a full legal claim against Mike Kibajian, Tim Singleton, Kristen Katzer and Lindsay Sworski and Boulder T-Group for Character Defamation, in the form of Libel and Slander, as is spelled out by the Colorado State Law will be submitted, on Monday, November 12th, along with a full disclosure to the T-Group Community, and affected communities, of what occurred during the course of the last 4 months between myself and T-Group Leadership.

It has been my full legal right to press charges for your collective violation of both state and federal law, as it relates to Charachter Defamation, in the form of Libel and Slander. With intent to not cause undue harm to our community, and to hold space for deep healing amongst all parties, I attempted to pursue a mediative process with the four of you, and T-Group as a body itself.

The lies you have spread about me, within this community have caused me great harm, and I am not willing to move forward without them being adequately addressed, and damages caused, as a result, repaired.

Again, you have until November 9th to communicate with me a reconsideration of the Mediation Agreement. Otherwise, I will press charges and file suit for your legal violations of Character Defamation, in the form of Libel & Slander.

This has gone on way too long.

In regards to your hollow threats of having your lawyers deal with "Harrassment", please, feel free. Nowhere have I broken the law. The four of you have committing both Libel and Slander, and have caused great harm. My asking for that to be tended to is not harassment. I am within my full legal right. In fact, I have been advised that your last note, might be considered harassment, as it is a coercive attempt to try and stop me from calling the four of you out for breaking the law, which at this point I have witnesses who will attest to your admitting to the post and communication with the community being inaccurate. Moreover, let it be clear that my correcting this publicly with the community myself, if you choose to not deal with this relationally with me, will not fall under Harrassment either. I am within my full right to correct within the community your false accusations against my character and show where you purposefully broke the law and attempted to hurt my reputation and standing within the community.

I have gathered 15 members of the T-Group community for support around this process, and have asked them for advice every step of the way. Including their approval and support of the Mediation Agreement. When I shared your response with them, many of them were blown away.

The damage the four of you are causing to this entire community by not being willing to be loving, honest, revealed and courageous in this situation, is adding up and is really sad. No one wins. Not even you.

I look forward to hearing your response, and hope that we are able to come to an Agreement that supports and heals the community.

With deep love,


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4 nov 2018 año
Ahora mismo
~ 5 years and 7 months ago