June 15, 2024

29 dic 1607 año - Smith meets Powhatan


Smith is brought before Powhatan and is about to have his skull caved in before Pocahontas allegedly saves his life.

Modern Perspective: These events are heavily doubted to have actually occurred for a multitude of reasons: For one thing, children such as Pocahontas weren't permitted to attend such feasts. For another thing, no evidence has been found to indicate Powhatan would offer a feast for a prisoner before their execution, lending credence to the idea Powhatan saw Smith as a guest of honor rather than a prisoner on the metaphorical Chopping Block. Lastly. Smith mentions being rescued by beautiful women 4 times, and it is also established that Smith isn't exactly the most reliable narrator.
(Charles C. Mann, 2011)
17th Century Perspective: Most likely the exact way the text describes it.

Añadido al timeline:


29 dic 1607 año
Ahora mismo
~ 416 years ago
