June 15, 2024

30 mar 1885 año - Act to Make Further Provision respecting Private Asylums for Insane Persons


«Section 1: In case the Medical Superintendent of any Private Asylum considers it conducive to the recovery of any of the persons confined in such Asylum that any such person should be entrusted for a time to the care of his friends, such Medical Superintendent may allow such person to return on trial to his friends, upon receiving a written undertaking by one or more of the friends of such person, that he or they will keep an oversight over such person»
«Section 3: Medical Superintendent of any Private Asylum may Admission to admit to and detain therein any patient from any Province of the Dominion of Canada, who is certified to be insane by two physicians duly authorized to practise as such in the Province where such patient has his domicile, provided such certificates
of insanity are made in accordance with the requirements of section 40 of chapter 221 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
and schedule C therein mentioned» (p. 277).
«Section 5: The Medical Superintendent of any Private Asylum may upon the written application of the person desiring admission, receive and detain therein as a patient, any person who though ing treatment
not insane, is desirous of submitting himself for the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, chorea-amentia or any nervine or physical ailment, provided that one physician certifies in writing that such patient is afflicted with epilepsy, hysteria, chorea-amentia or some other nervine or physical ailment, and that there is a danger such ailment will develop into mental derangement unless it is properly treated, but no patient thus voluntarily admitted shall be detained more than three days after he has given notice in writing to the Medical Superintendent of his or her intention or desire to leave such Asylum» (p. 278)
«Section 7: Any physician who with express malice, or corruptly signs any false certificate of insanity for the purpose of aiding to procure the confinement of any sane person in a Private Asylum shall, upon judgment being given against him in the
High Court of Justice in an action for damages on account of such malicious or corrupt act, ipso facto be incapacitated from practising as a physician in Ontario for the period of five years thereafter, unless the court in which such judgment is recovered shall see fit to remove such incapacity or shorten the limit thereof. The name of such physician shall, upon production of a certified copy of the judgment to the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons for Ontario, be removed from the register, and shall not be restored thereto during such incapacity» (p. 278).

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30 mar 1885 año
Ahora mismo
~ 139 years ago