April 1, 2024

25 oct 1774 año - Congress Sends Parliament their Last Petition Pledging Loyalty


Congress sent a final petetion to King George III saying that they would stand with him still if it weren't for all the taxes and laws imposed onto them. The colonists simply wanted to go back to not being taxed and living their lives how they had without Britian. However, King George III ignored the colonits plee and the colonitsts start to organize.
"Despite the anger that the American public felt towards the United Kingdom after the British Parliament established the Coercive Acts—called the Intolerable Acts by the colonists—Congress was still willing to assert its loyalty to the king. In return for this loyalty, Congress asked the king to address and resolve the specific grievances of the colonies."
“Congress petitions English king to address grievances.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/congress-petitions-english-king-to-address-grievances.

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25 oct 1774 año
Ahora mismo
~ 249 years ago
