June 15, 2024

6 h 30 m, 13 mayo 2004 año - The Governor investigates the Walmart gunfire. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 299
- The Governor, Gabe, Rudy and Gus take an armoured truck to the National Guard station. They pass the Walmart and stop when they find Bruce's truck there. Four bodies lie on the ground: one missing his head and hands, another with a gash in his stomach (wounds from a katana), another is the body of the kid called Curtis. The last and largest body is that of Bruce Allan Cooper with a gunshot in his neck. He mumbles out his last words about the bald asian kid coming back before dying.
- They stand there for a moment in silence. Philip grabs Gabe's gun and shoots Bruce, preventing reanimation. He orders Gabe to go and find this prison immediately and then abandons the three of them by leaving in the truck.
- Gabe wonders how they're going to find this prison. They gather some remaining supplies from the Walmart and Gabe sends Gus to the east and Rudy to the west. They decide to meet back up at the intersection of Highway 80 and 267.

Añadido al timeline:


6 h 30 m, 13 mayo 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
