June 15, 2024

20 h 45 m, 9 abr 2004 año - They arrive at Woodbury, GA and meet 'The Governor', Rick loses his right hand. (Issue 27) (Issue 28)


- Day 265
- Rick, Glenn and Michonne decide to find the other survivors before going back as they're closer and could drive them back to the prison. They find a sign that reads Woodbury, 1 mile and head there.
- They arrive at Woodbury and find the place dead. They think about using roamer guts to make their way back when car headlights turn on and a voice tells them to get down whilst several men gun down a swarm of roamers behind them.
- They're put up against a wall and stripped of their weapons so the other survivors know they're not a threat. A man named Martinez introduces himself and welcomes them to Woodbury. He decides to take them to see 'the Governor' but their leader with two armed escorts arrives just in time to give them a tour.
- Rick asks about his title and the Governor explains why he has it. He asks Rick for their story but Michonne lies and tells them they've been walking since the turn. Rick backs up Michonne.
- The Governor tells them that there's a fight on tonight and escorts them to a large racetrack turned into an arena. He explains that they make people fight for entertainment, the biters on chains are further incentive and became docile once they started feeding them. Rick asks what they're feeding them and the Governor tells them that they're feeding them 'strangers'.
- The two guards hold the group at gun point. The Governor explains what happened to the people in the helicopter and that they that they ran out of supplies in Atlanta. He knows they're living close and tells them that he saw through their story immediately. The arena fight starts.
- The Governor tells Bruce to pin down Rick. He assures them that eventually they'll tell him everything he needs to know and cuts off Rick's right hand with a kitchen knife. Michonne breaks out of Gabe's restraint and pounces on the Governor. She bites his left ear and tears it off. The Governor promises her hours of pain and sends her and Glenn to be locked up.
- He takes Rick down to the infirmary so the town's doctor, Stevens can stop the bleeding.

Añadido al timeline:


20 h 45 m, 9 abr 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
