June 15, 2024

1 ene 1786 año - Shay's Rebellion


Shay's Rebellion was a group of farmers that were angry with the way their government worked. They were taxed too much for them to be able to pay, and they were in massive debt due to this. Eventually, a man named Daniel Shay led a group of about 600 and closed the courts. The militia would not come due to the fact that it was completely state controlled, which led to the revelation of a rather large problem in the Articles of Confederation. Because Shay's Rebellion made the Americans realize that the Articles of Confederation had drawbacks, the Constitutional Convention was founded in 1787 to make a new constitution and solve the problems in the Articles of Confederation. Due to the realization of the lack of standing army and how little power the national government truly had, the national government was further established when the constitution was created in the Constitutional Convention.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1786 año
Ahora mismo
~ 238 years ago
