June 15, 2024

11 h 30 m, 11 dic 2003 año - A fight breaks out in Woodbury, The Governor comes up with an idea. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 145
- In Woodbury a fight breaks out between Dean Gorman and Johnny Pruitt, outside the food centre in-front of around twenty witnesses.
- The witnesses start to cheer it on out of boredom due to the lack of any entertainment.
- Dean kicks the Leg out from under Johnny. He gets the upper hand but Johnny kicks him in the groin, Johnny then gets on top of Dean and starts punching him in the face. The crowd goes wild.
- Martinez is about to break up the fight but Philip stops him. The Governor starts looking at the spectators, observing every face. Johnny starts to choke out Dean so the Governor allows Martinez to break it up. One of the guards goes to get Stevens. The Governor tells Martinez that he knows what to do with the guardsmen.

Añadido al timeline:


11 h 30 m, 11 dic 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
