June 15, 2024

8 h 4 dic 2003 año - They explore Woodbury, Josh and Lilly meet Sam 'The Butcher'. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 138
- They gather around Josh's cot and agree that the place gives off weird vibes. However its better than sleeping in 'Bob's dungeon on wheels'. They agree to watch each other's backs, carry a gun at all times and know where the car is parked, just in case. They split up to explore the town.
- Lilly and Josh go to get breakfast. Residents keep to themselves and nobody offers a greeting as they pass through the entrance to the town. They pass three old men sitting on barrels outside the 'feed and seed' store. Josh says good morning and one of the men asks if they're new. Josh says they got in last night and the man responds "Lucky you!" the old men laugh. The man tells Josh to keep an eye on his woman, Josh takes Lilly's hand.
- Inside the store a man named Davy sits at the counter in a wheelchair with two armed guards at his side. Josh tells him they found some stuff at a Walmart with Martinez and if they can have some of that. Davy tells them that's between them and Martinez. The three men stare at Lilly. Josh offers a $300 watch. Davy says he'll give them $50 worth of rations, Josh asks for more.
- A man comes up behind the three and asks what the problem is. Davy tells Sam 'The Butcher' that Josh and Lilly were just leaving. Sam advises Josh that he should work to get food, he then looks at Lilly and implies she should go into prostitution. Lilly stands there in fear. Josh keeps his cool but is furious; he tells them to keep the watch and they'll take what Davy offered. The two guards go for a moment and return with a box of paper bags. They take the box and leave, the men's eyes on Lilly's ass the whole time.
- They hear a scream and see a teenage kid stuck in the fence and covered in bite wounds. Philip Blake puts him down with no emotion.

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8 h 4 dic 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
