June 15, 2024

17 h 3 dic 2003 año - They arrive at Woodbury, Georgia. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 137
- Bob's car follows behind Martinez's truck. They make two stops on their way to town. Its snowing heavily now and its almost dark.
- Martinez asks them to hand over their weapons which they aren't willing to do. Martinez lets them keep them out of sight and joins them in their car. They drive past a ruined Piggly Wiggly and Martinez mentions that they had a rough skirmish with some biters a few weeks back (see day 56).
- They drive deeper into town. A lot of residents look shell-shocked and not too friendly. Bob likes the setup they have and asks about the big field in the middle of the town. Martinez says it used to be a dirt racetrack and their leader banned it due to noise the other week.
- They drive towards the town square and pull up next to a courthouse. They wait for five minutes in a warm meeting room and hear heavy footsteps coming towards them. Three men wait by the doorway with suspicious smiles.
- The man in the middle blinks a lot. He introduces himself as Philip Blake and his bodyguards as Bruce and Gabe.
- Josh's group introduce themselves. Philip explains their barter system and they joke about him being the president. Scott pipes up and mention that he looks like one with those "secret service dudes". Philip says he prefers 'The Governor'.

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17 h 3 dic 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
