June 15, 2024

1 ene 1350 año - Machaut: rondeau, “Rose, liz, printemps, verdure” (“Rose, Lily, Spring, Greenery”)


Rondeau had been around as a courtly love song since trouvère
Bears most aristocratic lineage of the three formes fixes and is most easily sung as a court → commonly sung at a meal

First, fourth, and seventh sections (first, sixth, and eleventh lines of poetry) repeat both text and music → suggestion of a regular refrain that foreshadows the shame of the later French rondeau


In four voices (rare for Machaut) → Triplum-Cantus-Tenor-Contratenor
Cantus and tenor provided original scaffolding, triplum added as commentary on the cantus, with contratenor as a commentary on the tenor

Long melismas placed at the beginning of A section and elsewhere do not coincide with important words/syllables

Thirds and sixths appear in the harmonies (but all cadences are still either perfect fifths or octaves)

Cantus normally supplied with text in manuscript, likely performed in four voices

Centers around the note C (even though Ionian mode wasn’t formally recognized by theorists until the 16th C.)

Successive as opposed to simultaneous composition

Alternates between 3/4 and 6/8 → sense of spontaneity

Añadido al timeline:

15 oct 2018


1 ene 1350 año
Ahora mismo
~ 674 years ago