April 1, 2024

27 mayo 2019 año - Tintunu looks for the scroll in a man made cave.


Tintunu and her men go into the cave, swors drawn. There is a group of heavily deformed people. They don't seem human at all anymore, from the way they talk to their mannerisms, something was off. Tintunu yells, asking them where the scroll is. None of them seemed to either know, doesn't want to say, or just straight up doesn't understand. She goes further into the cave. From the darkness they can barely see the creatures running in the shadows. They make laughing noises in the dark, and run around the group. Finally one of the Zylocs gets grabbed and screams as it dies. Tintunu and her men get ready to fight, but, all the running and noise had stopped. Confused Tintunu yells out to the darkness. A voice comes out saying her name. Tintunu recognizes it but can't put his finger on where from. Then the man steps into the light. It's the man that gave life to Tintunu, Daglomog. He tells Tintunu that he is here looking for the Death Scroll, and if she knows anything about it. Tintunu says she's loking for it too but thought it might be in this cave. Daglomog tells her there's nothing in the cave. Tintunu smells the bullshit and challenges the demon. Daglamog says he isn't lying, that it was not in the cave. He then explains how the people runnig around could destroy her entire group including Tintunu herself. He demands anything they have. Tintunu looks at her old master in disbelief, how could he be mugging her. She refuses to give Daglamog anything and challenges him to a fight. Daglamog confidently says alright then. His arms shoot up, and he points both of them at Tintunu. Two deformed creatures charge at her, but she takes care of the, right away. More come from behind her, and the Zylocs fight them. Tintunu fights Daglamog, At the end of it, Tintunu leaves Daglamog bloodied and broken and promise she'll be back with the knowledge of the scroll, so that she could kill him. After the battle only six Zylocs remain.

Añadido al timeline:

12 oct 2018
attempt 2


27 mayo 2019 año
Ahora mismo
~ 4 years and 11 months ago
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