June 15, 2024

22 oct 1999 año - Blair witch project


Blair witch project was a innovative film for multiple reasons one being that it was one of the cheapest horror films period costing only £60,000 making it one of the cheapest films ever made, and the cost of these film very much woke the industry up to how cheap horror films could be to produce and spawned the new wave of cheap horror movies in the early 2000s. As well as being cheap this film spawned a brand new genera POV horror films which blair wich was the first off and this pov style can still be seen to this day being used in numerous horror films and found footage movies. and the film was given an extra layer of authenticity by the actors filming the howl thing through camcorders really selling the found footage idea as they were using cameras that normally people had access to making the film more realistic and believable and emearsive

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22 oct 1999 año
Ahora mismo
~ 24 years ago
