June 15, 2024

2 ene 1775 año - Lexington and Concord G Washington named commander in chief Olive Branch Petition


British troops plan to destroy American
ammunition at Concord. When the Boston Committee of Safety learns of this plan, it sends Paul Revere and William Dawes to
alert the countryside and gather the Minute Men. On April 19, Minute Men and British troops meet at Lexington, where several Americans are killed. The British march on to Concord and destroy some ammunition, but soon find the countryside swarming with militia. At the end of the day, many are dead on both sides but the British retreat to Boston.

On June 15, Washington is nominated to lead the army; he accepts the next day.

Congress issues a petition declaring its
loyalty to the king, George III, and stating its hope that he can
prevent further hostilities against the colonies.

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2 ene 1775 año
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~ 249 years ago