July 1, 2024

16 h 33 m, 7 mayo 1976 año - Apple I


The Apple I was the very first computer made by The Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) . through the development efforts of Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ron Wayne, Apple I was developed, not in a garage, but in the bedroom of Steve Wozniak's home on 11161 Crist Drive in Los Altos (the house number was later changed to 2066) . Woz built the Apple I to run BASIC, so games could be programmed and played on it. It was a game machine for the most part.he thought the binary switches of the Altair 8800 and similar PCs were not user friendly enough so he wrote a BASIC language assembler into the ROM by hand using only hex. Then on May 1976 the trio sold their first fifty computers for $500 each.

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16 h 33 m, 7 mayo 1976 año
Ahora mismo
~ 48 years ago
