June 15, 2024

30 dic 2011 año - YEMEN: BP contract with NAA/election



We don't know when this contract began, but according to a BIJ report in September 2011, Bell Pottinger worked for a time for the National Awareness Authority, founded in January 2010.

The NAA was headed by Saleh’s nephew and commander of the presidential guard, Colonel Tareq Mohammed Abdullah Saleh. Its board of trustees included members of Saleh’s cabinet.

That contract reportedly ended weeks before the BIJ report was published. It's unclear if this is the same contract Bell is talking about in his interview that was headed by Paul Bell.

According to a July 2011 interview with the Guardian, Lord Bell confirmed that company was “carrying out communications work for an unnamed special entity that has been created within the Yemen government to ensure a transition to newly elected government”.

The Guardian wrote that the goal of the communications campaign appeared to be “in line with a proposal by the Saudi-led Gulf Co-operation Council for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to stand down in return immunity from prosecution”.

Bell said the brief was to assist the government through negotiations and within the Yemeni constitution to achieve a peaceful transition to a new government.

"All appropriate authorities are aware of the work we are doing in Yemen,” he said.


In his interview, Bell said the Yemen contract was handled by Paul Bell:

"We were worried about getting paid and we were worried about whether we were doing the right thing. Cause we didn't know what he was up to. He'd both resigned and stayed on.
Had caused all sorts of trouble."

"It wasn't a greatly detailed campaign. I didn't go through any great arguments with people. We just did it, and I sent Paul out and Paul reported to me what happened. And I suspect told the Americans, cause I think he worked for the Iraqi Americans as well."

Añadido al timeline:

23 sep 2018


30 dic 2011 año
Ahora mismo
~ 12 years ago