June 15, 2024

13 h 31 oct 2003 año - Chuck is dead, Lee discovers the Cancer Survivors group. (Around Every Corner)


- Day 104
- Lee roams around Savannah's sewers. He comes across a possible exit however its blocked by walkers who are eating something.
- He distracts them by turning a valve which releases water and sneaks past. He finds Chuck's body which the walkers were eating. He shot himself in the head so he wouldn't turn.
- Lee tries to escape the sewers by wall jumping the same way Molly does but fails. Whilst doing so he knocks a sign off a wall which reveals a hole leading to a morgue filled with supplies.
- He walks in and finds a group of five elderly people. A man named Vernon sticks a gun to Lee's face and asks him who is is. The youngest of the group, Brie, is convinced he's from Crawford. Lee can threaten the group of act kindly, either way he gets Vernon to come back with him and help Omid.

Añadido al timeline:


13 h 31 oct 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
