June 15, 2024

22 h 30 m, 22 jul 2003 año - The Macon herd breaches the Drug Store, Lee saves Carley or Doug, Glenn leaves to go to Atlanta. (A New Day)


- Day 3
- Lee and Doug tell Lilly they've got the keys. Lee and Lilly rush into the office and unlock the Pharmacy door, as they walk inside, the alarm triggers and they frantically rush to find the right pills for Larry.
- Meanwhile, dozens of zombies from the area are drawn to the Drugstore and start pounding on the doors and windows.
- Lilly gets her dad out of the building. Kenny goes to pull his truck around the back of the store and tells Glenn to get everyone out when he's here. Katjaa and Duck barricade themselves in the office. The herd starts to break down the door so Lee swaps places with Glenn and helps Carley and Doug barricade the door. Doug exclaims that if they don't survive this, he thinks Lee's a good guy. Carley goes to tell Doug something but the zombies start climbing into the store. Lee tells Clementine to find something strong to stick between the door handles. She runs off and returns with Lee's father's cane which successfully barricades the door.
- Suddenly, Doug is grabbed by zombies by a window and Carley runs out of bullets while a crawler grabs at her leg. Lee is forced to make a split decision to save only one of them. If Lee saves Doug he'll run over and drag Doug away from the window, Carley is then devoured by several zombies in front of Clementine. If lee saves Carley, he'll toss her an extra ammo clip which she uses to shoot the approaching zombies, Doug however is dragged outside the store and torn apart by the herd.
- Clementine is grabbed by a zombie which Lee stomps to death. Larry opens the door for everyone to escape but stops Lee and punches him in the face. Kenny quickly rushes back out and kills a zombie next to Lee before offering out his hand and saving Lee's life. They slam the door and escape.
- The survivors set up in the Motor Inn. Lilly burns numerous zombie bodies and Irene. The radio urges survivors to stay in their homes to move to the major cities of Charlotte, Atlanta or Orlando. Upon hearing that Atlanta is a stage nine catastrophe, Glenn decides to help his friends in the city as they could be trapped. He bids farewell to Lee and leaves.
- Kenny believes Lee is capable of looking after Clementine better than a father even.
- Carley/Doug wish the other could be saved. Both of them will admit to liking the other and will ask Lee how he chose to save them. They both wish they all could have been saved.
- Duck talks Clementine to death about 'Super Dinosaur'. Lee asks Clem how she's feeling but she's sad her walkie-talkie broke, and Glenn accidentally left with the other one.
- Larry calls Lee over and tells him to not go near Lilly. He knows Lee is a convicted killer and will tell the whole group if he's out of line.
- Lilly calls Lee over and thanks him for saving her dad and being here for the group. They hear gunfire in the distance. Lee, Lilly and Kenny agree that the best option is to set up a place to live in the Motel while this thing blows over. The electricity suddenly goes out.

(For the next part of Glenn's story see day 124).

Añadido al timeline:


22 h 30 m, 22 jul 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
