June 15, 2024

19 jul 2003 año - The outbreak goes global, The Turn begins. (Comic Series) (Novel Series) (Video Game Series)


- Day 0
- A mysterious outbreak goes global. For unknown reasons, any human who dies in any way which doesn't harm the brain will rise from the dead after a period of a few seconds to one day and will mindlessly feast on the flesh of the living until they're put down by a blow to the brain.
- Those who are bitten die after two days at most depending on the bite's infection rate and they too will turn.
- The world is thrown into mass panic as the turned make their way into every part of the globe. Suicide rates are at an all time high which by extension creates more and more walking dead.
- This came to be known as 'The Turn' which marks the beginning of 'The Trials' which lasts up until civilisation rebuilds itself and a new world can begin.

Añadido al timeline:


19 jul 2003 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
